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Membership: Videos

Ranging from group to individual memberships, the PPASA offers a membership type to suit everyone. As a member of PPASA, you will be provided with advice and support in key areas such as competitions, anti-doping and insurances. As a member of the PPASA, you are also eligible to vote on certain issues and play a significant part in shaping the Federation for the future of Pole and Aerial Sports. As an instructor, athlete and coach we will support your development and provide support for national and international competitions. Please read the guidelines for more detailed information on the criteria required for each membership category.

Pole and Aerial Enthusiasts

Php 500.00


A Pole/Aerial Enthusiast membership is for someone who wishes to have a personal membership to receive the benefits available as a supporter of pole and aerial sports whether you pole or not. 




  • Welcome pack

  • Monthly members newsletter

  • Discounts for goods in affiliated pole businesses


Php 500.00


This membership is for instructors to show they are working within the guidelines for health and safety, keep up with continuing professional development to be recognised or accredited as an instructor by the IPSF in accordance with IPSF requirements.


Benefits – the same as individuals plus:


  • Support with anti-doping expectations, teaching standards and other related activities.

  • Recognition and accreditation by the PPASA

  • Listing on the PPASA website


Php 500.00


This membership enables coaches to promote themselves as being competent, effective and of a high enough calibre within the sporting industry to work within the pole and aerial industry in accordance with the guidelines and standards of the IPSF. You will be supported to continuously improve and update your coaching skills and ways in which to best support athletes at both local and IPSF competitions; both nationally and internationally.


Benefits – the same as instructors plus:

  • Eligibility to attend national and international IPSF competitions as the official coach with your athletes.

  • Discount on PPASA coaching courses

  • Discount on PPASA judges training courses


Criteria required for a Coach membership

  • ​



Php 500.00


This membership is for athletes who wish to register with the PPASA to show they support on pole and aerial sport and adhere to sporting expectations laid down by the IPSF. This includes signing up to the WADA code and anti-doping regulations which can be legally enforced. As athletes you will be supported in many ways; we will ensure that standards and conditions in competitions are raised to the highest levels, we will continue to promote a fair and equal scoring and judging system that is consistent around the world and we will keep pushing forward to have your achievements recognised in world games and championships.


Benefits – the same as individuals plus:

  • Discount on PPASA athletes courses

  • Discount on PPASA judges training courses

  • Support with anti-doping expectations

  • Listing on the PPASA  website


Criteria required for an athlete’s membership

  • ​

Organisations - Club / Training Studio

Php 500.00


A Club / Training studio membership will have to adhere to strict requirements in accordance with pole and aerial sports.  You will get many benefits and lots of support for your Club / School. To be a Club / School with PPASA membership will show you have the highest credentials in the discipline of pole and aerial sport in your training environment and for each of your instructors. Your school does not have to only teach pole, just show how you incorporate the sport into your schedule and how you support athletes to reach their full potential should they choose to participate in pole sports.



  • Monthly members newsletter

  • Discounts for goods in affiliated pole and aerial businesses

  • Support with anti-doping expectations

  • Recognition by the PPASA on the website


Criteria required for a school membership:

  • All instructors to be registered with PPASA

  • Review of training history and current classes

Organisations - Regional

Php 500.00


A regional organisation membership will have to adhere to strict requirements in accordance with pole and aerial sports. You are likely to be a regional pole and aerial sports association. You will get many benefits and lots of support for your organisation. You will need to show how you are supporting schools, clubs, instructors and individual pole and aerial sports supporters in your region.


Benefits – the same as schools/clubs plus:

  • Discounts on hosting training courses


Criteria required for a regional organisation membership:

  • Review of organisation history

  • Report of future organisation plans for pole sports in your region

Industry-related Businesses

Php 1000.00


This membership is for businesses who wish to have certain benefits available to them and to be promoted to our other members by offering a discount to them when they make purchases.



  • Discount on PPASA events tickets

  • Monthly members newsletter

  • Recognition by the PPASA  on the website

  • Discount on trade stands and tickets at regional and national competitions

  • First offers on all sponsorship opportunities


Criteria required for an industry related membership:

  • Completed membership form

  • Overview of your business activities

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